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Hydroheat BAXI Luna3 Indoor Boiler

Model Number: BAXI Luna3

Hydroheat 20baxi 20luna3 20indoor 20boiler
Hydroheat 20baxi 20luna 203 20boiler.

Heating Only or Combi (Includes DHW)
BAXI’s new Luna 3 wall mounted boilers offer European technology in a highly efficient (83%), compact and easy to install unit.


  • Electronic flame modulation
  • Electronic ignition
  • Two possible heating ranges: 30/85°, 30/45°C
  • Programmable digital thermostat
  • Temperature control by NTC probes
  • Stainless steel burner
  • Circulating-pump with built-in air vent
  • Gas valve with continuous modulation on heating
  • Automatic by-pass
  • Radio interference filtering
  • Pump run on timer
  • Anti-frost device on heating
  • Outdoor compensation option
  • Also available as a combination heating and domestic hot water
  • Available with optional left hand and right hand flue discharge

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Hydroheat Supplies Pty Ltd

Hydroheat Supplies is the leading supplier of hydronic heating equipment in Australia.  Specializing in residential and commercial water heating combining the highly efficient gas condensing Baxi boiler range, Henrad radiator panels and Emmeti floor heating system, Hydroheat offers the industry the complete package in hydronic / water heating.  Carrying an Australian Gas Association approval for the in Australia available boiler range Hydroheat displays its commitment to the industry. Our staff is professional and highly knowledgeable and is able to give advice in all areas of water heating applications. (Commercial hot water, swimming pools, industrial).  Heating systems designed with a lower temperature like floor heating, pool heating and potable water heating will gain most in emission and running cost reductions. Hydronic heating is a healthy, comfortable and green heating concept that deserves more recognition then it has had so far in the past. Established in 1990 Hydroheat has more then 20 years of experience in this segment of the industry. Our mission is to support the HVAC industry by continuing to introduce the latest technologies in water heating by making the highest quality equipment available in Australia. Hydroheat Supplies is “Working towards a greener future”.

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