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Byzantine Design Honed Gohera Tile

Model Number: Honed Gohera Tile

Byzantine 20design 20honed 20gohera 20tile
Byzantine 20design 20honed 20gohera 20tile.

Finishes - Honed, Polished, Tumbled or Sandblasted 3

Sizes - 300x300x13, 400x400x13, 500x500x13, 600x300x13, 600x400x16, 600x600x16, 800x400x16

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Byzantine Design

byzantinedesign specialises in creating beautiful bathrooms as well as the supply of all types of tiles and stone. At byzantinedesign we believe in beauty, fashion and natural products.
Dara Shashoua, Director of byzantinedesign has over 10 years experience in the tile and stone industry and has a passion for natural stone and a flair for creating beautiful floors for beautiful homes.
Dara has 5 years experience designing bathrooms and is passionate about her vision that bathrooms should be more than just functional but also a beautiful haven to escape to..