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CJT Concealed Joist Tie

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Cjt install
The CJT concealed joist tie offers tested performance in a joist connector with a clean, concealed look. With more than 50 years of experience in product design, testing and manufacturing, Simpson Strong-Tie provides comprehensive structural solutions.

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Simpson Strong-Tie

For over 60 years, Simpson Strong-Tie® has focused on creating engineered structural products that help people build safer, stronger buildings economically. Considered a leader in structural systems research, testing and innovation, Simpson Strong-Tie is recognised for its broad range of connectors, fasteners, anchors and repair, protect and strengthening systems.

As a global company the Australian market benefits from a range of innovative connectors that have been developed for the European and American markets. This widespread commitment to developing new products backed by extensive research and testing allows us to provide Australia with unique construction solutions to help our customers build safer and stronger structures more economically.