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Geberit Sigma50

Model Number: Sigma50

Geberit 20sigma50
Geberit 20sigma50.

The Sigma50 dual-flush plate is one of the the latest Geberit designs. Manufactured in glass and metal and available in six different finishes with a customisable version. The Sigma50 adds endless design possibilities to your bathroom.

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The Geberit group is the European market leader in sanitary technologies. From its establishment in 1874, Geberit has been the pioneer of this sector, consistently setting trends with its innovative designs and comprehensive system solutions.
Geberit Australia opened its head office in Sydney in 2002. Since then, Geberit Australia has sustained an impressive steady growth. Today with sales teams operating in each major region across the country, Geberit Australia is able to further strengthen relationships with customers and are able to provide premium support and training for Architects, Interior designers, Hydraulic consultants, builders and the plumbing trade.

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