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Grate Seal 50mm

Model Number: GS50

Grate 20seal 2050mm
Grate 20seal 2050mm.

Specifically designed to fit 2" or 50mm pipes.

It has undergone the same testing and holds all the same certifications as the GS01 model above.

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Grate Seal

The inventors of GRATE SEAL have worked in the plumbing industry for the past twenty eight years and in that time have received numerous requests from clientele to remedy the age old problems associated with drainage outlets - smelly, offensive odours, soap suds, vermin, and noise.

It was time to address the problem so a make-shift version was created in the workshop using materials on hand.Having successfully resolved the issues and from positive feedback from an elated clientele, we then decided to design and manufacture a commercially available product now known as GRATE SEAL.