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Nu-Lok Heather Slate

Model Number: Heather Slate

Nu lok 20heather 20slate
Nu lok 20heather 20slate1
  • Heather colour
  • Fine upper surface texture and a distinctive dressed edge
  • 400 x 300 x 6/8mm thick
  • 50 Year Guarantee

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  • DWG
  • DXF
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  • RFA

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With over 25 years of roofing experience we clearly seen the Nu-Lok Roofing System as the future in roofing and over the past 10 years we have enjoyed nothing more than seeing the joy on our Clients faces when they see the finished product and know that their investment has been well worth while. Not only that but 10 years on when we speak to some of our first clients it is great to hear that they still take great joy and pride in their Nu-Lok roof. We are a service based company and we pride ourselves in providing a very high standard of service along with top quality products from beginning to end ensuring that our customers receive exactly what we promised them every time.
We are also very excited with the development of our latest product, our Seamless Pv Solar panels. These panels have been developed to meet the demand of our clients for a Solar panel that not only meets their needs but also complements their Nu-Lok roof. After over 2 years of development and testing we are very please to announce that our PV Panels are now certified by Clean Energy Australia and available for use in Australia. It is a great product and one that our customers are taking advantage of with many of them now adding solar to their Nu-Lok roofs.