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Pioneer Deluxe

Model Number: Pioneer-DLX

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Full of surprises, the Pioneer offers versatility in size, speed and design for multi-level residential properties. Custom-built in Australia, the Pioneer has short lead times and eliminates many of the traditional costs associated with luxury lifts. The Pioneer requires no overhead space above 2350mm, no load-bearing walls or machine rooms. This compared against the total cost of installing a traditional lift is a real saving. - AS1735 Part 18 & 16 - Australian Made - Maximum distance of travel 3.2m - Weight capacity 350kg - Up to 2 levels - No load-bearing walls required - 175 mm pit required - Wide range of cosmetic options - No overhead height requirements - Lead time from as little as six weeks

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Aussie Lifts

Aussie Lifts is an Australian owned business that has been providing easy access living since 1995. Specialising in vertical elevation solutions, we proudly assist everyday Australian’s to live independently, both in their home and within the community.Unique to most lift companies in Australia, our range of residential and commercial elevators are manufactured right here at our production facility in Brisbane. This allows Aussie Lifts to offer personalised service and an affordable custom-built product without jeopardising quality or reliability, and is conducive to very short lead times and ongoing availability of parts.