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Studio Bagno Q+ Comfort Suite (Back To Wall)

Model Number: QP001

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Studio 20bagno 20q 20comfort 20suite 20%28back 20to 20wall%291

Q+ Comfort was designed for Studio Bagno by Mark Armstrong, one of Australia's foremost industrial designers. Its raised height and extra projection in the pan makes it perfect for those whose mobility is impaired or for the tall among us.


  • Height =  880 mm
  • Width = 375 mm
  • Depth =  685 mm
  • Weight = 56 kg
  • Colour = Gloss White

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  • RFA 20bagno 20logo

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Studio Bagno

Studio Bagno is an Australian national distributor of high-quality European designer bathroom products.
With a reputation founded on quality and excellence, Studio Bagno has been delivering the most exciting collection of bathroom products to the Australian market
To complement our extensive array of imported bathroom products, Studio Bagno has engaged some of Australias most prominent designers to create unique products specifically for the Australian bathroom market.
This focus on cutting edge design and procurement has seen Studio Bagno bathware products utilised in a wide array of Australian commercial and residential property projects.
A commitment to style rather than fashion means that Studio Bagnos clientele receives long-term value with a world-class finish.

All Studio Bagno products can be download and utilised in your 3D model, quantified and ordered using the PlusDesignBuild tools.

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