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Zumtobel ARCOS

Model Number: ARCOS

Zumtobel 20arcos
Zumtobel 20arcos.

ARCOS presents itself in a minimalist design with clear forms and contours: a purist cylindrical unit, combined with an unobtrusive insert for the control gear. The overall appearance is made complete by the new adapter’s minimalist design, which consistently continues right up to the track. Nothing should distract people's attention from the exhibits displayed - on the contrary: architecture and light are supposed to enhance the effect they create. For that purpose, four different sized ARCOS spotlight models that feature advanced lighting technology and come with a wide variety of accessories are available. What they all have in common is their unobtrusive effect and consequently the uncluttered look on the ceiling. Every detail of ARCOS reflects many years of experience in exhibition and museum architecture.

*Model drawn by manufacturer

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Zumtobel has teams of lighting specialists in all major capitals,  dedicated to the lighting specification market. We have in-house technical, marketing and engineering support for the entire Zumtobel portfolio, plus a direct link to the product's designers and manufacturers in Germany / Austria.
When you deal with Zumtobel you are dealing with the brand itself, not a third party agency. The benefits of this are immeasurable. Our portfolio is very broad and deep. Your requirements of technical knowledge, history, experience and future potential can only be met with comparable knowledge from your luminaire supplier.
Zumtobel Lighting operates exclusively in the lighting specification market. Through our relationships with lighting specifiers, we work to ensure the most appropriate lighting solution is supplied to the end-user.


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